A second chance: both for goals and development

It’s not always easy to see it, but sometimes we’re given second chances just when we’ve given up.

And it’s only natural at times to just give in. After weeks, maybe even months or years, of simply pushing and trying to make a dream or a project work, the reality of it all sets in and you realize that it might not be meant to be after all.

“What’s the reason for me even doing this?” you find yourself wondering. Maybe you begin to doubt the effectiveness of the purposeful role you had sought after and won within or around the United Nations system.

But that second chance kicks in to just change it all. In our lifetimes, this can be finally meeting “the one” after years of heartbreak and hardships. For others, this could be that magic day when after trying so hard for years that blue line in the pregnancy test appears – and your life is changed forever.

For our line of work, the blue line of new beginnings comes when a new breath of hope is released into a project or a purposeful mission that we’ve been pressing on for years. Securing ultrasound machines for a maternal clinic in your UNFPA division in Upper Mongolia? Receiving the support for more UNICEF “Education in a box” support from government aid investors so more can be given to Syrian refugees in Lebanon? Whatever the task, it’s always encouraging and hopeful that the purpose you felt you were set out to do when you decided to work under the banner of the United Nations or its networks is finally kicking in.

And that second chance can come as simple as taking a photo. Take part in the GVI Photo Contest and post a picture today that reflects your passion and purpose for why you are committed to working within or around the UN System and you could win up to $1,000 to finance a project of yours that helps you fulfill that sense of purpose.

And if you don’t have a project quite yet then worry not for more are bound to arrive. With the new development plans for post-2015 in the making, countless second chances are being offered to those who felt they were forgotten. Perhaps your mission is to bring funding on raising the momentum of adolescent importance? Or maybe your project was highlighting high rates of maternal mortality in the Western World, while others only saw it in developing countries?

Post-2015 brings change – but above all, it brings a second chance.

Relevant information:

You can sign up to enter the photo contest to show us what inspires you or how your project helps fulfill your purpose within the UN system and you can win $1,000 in support money to fund it. To participate in the Photo Contest, click here.

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