Workshop participants are particularly supportive of more open governance in the decision-making processes of global organizations. The persons directly affected should have the opportunity to participate in making decisions affecting them, including to contribute their expertise and follow-up.
While in principle representation is largely through government officials and diplomats, participants argue that more grassroots involvement will translate into greater credibility and impact. In this regard they welcome the unprecedented global consultations that created input in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Suggestions include:
- Regular harnessing of global public opinion through a greater interface between the broader public and the UN
- Meaningful multi-stakeholder partnerships with all concerned stakeholders
- Systematized citizen participation in UN decision-making to ensure broadest representation and feedback e.g. ongoing UNDP Sustainable Development Goals platforms
- Allocate participatory/observer status to specific groups e.g. parliaments, indigenous peoples, local and city authorities