Posts Tagged contest

Back to work blues? Fresh ideas and possibilities with just a picture


The day back into the office post-vacation can always be a bit brutal with a swirl of thoughts flooding your head as you make your way through the familiar corridors and offices of your department. You sit back down at you desk, which feels familiar but at the same time completely alien to you. And for a second, as you try to log into your computer, you completely forget your password.


Such are the instances of returning to work after having spent four meticulous months away and catching up with all of life’s simple pleasures; friends, old hobbies, book, and the latest episode on from your favorite sitcom. But while you may be releasing a sigh of despair as you check back into reality, there are still endless possibilities that can be revealed on that first day back.


You could have finally gotten that email from the contact you been trying to reconnect with on a particular project.


You superior may have finally gotten back to you on the results of a long awaited decision item.


Or better yet, a whole new possibility for a new project; something that you can do for you.


Without a doubt, GVI’s Newsletter has greeted you as you are skimming through the incalculable number of emails that have blasted your inbox. But while most of the messages relate to past projects or inter-department communications, GVI’s Newsletter offers a fresh new start – and all through the Photo Contest.


Have you ever had a project that you wanted to get initiated but couldn’t get the funds? Or maybe the budget for one that you’ve been working on for a while now isn’t just enough to properly get it to the level you want it to be.


Well fear not – you’re off to a new start.


You began your career at or around the UN with purpose and a sense of will to make a change.


You believe that and so does GVI.


Take part in the Photo Contest and post a picture today that reflects your passion and purpose for why you are committed to working within or around the UN System, and you could win up to $1,000 to finance a project of yours that helps you fulfill that sense of purpose.


Submit your photos and viewers will cast their votes and rate their favorite picture against yours to reflect the passion of each submission in pursing their purpose within or around the UN system. The picture with the most votes will receive $1,000 to support a purpose-driven project and give inspiration to continue to succeed.

So why not? You’re back from vacation and with a new fresh mind, so with fresh ideas and fresh initiatives, anything is possible.


Relevant information:


You can sign up to enter the photo contest to show us what inspires you or how your project helps fulfill your purpose within the UN system and you can win $1,000 in support money to fund it. To participate in the Photo Contest, click here.

A little more: the difference that could help reach your goals

Just a little more.

It’s for that project that you’ve been working on. It’s taken you weeks of planning – maybe even months – and the proposal has been through all the major heads of department to review.
The problem is that they tell you it’s too ambitious, or maybe even too complex and too expensive? Perhaps if you only had that additional set of funds – $500 or $1,000 extra to support the work you’ve been wrapping your brain around for what seems like an eternity – it could be funded.


You believe in this project because you feel it defines everything you believe your role within the UN system has set you out to do. The project has given you that purpose; that drive and creativity which makes you feel like for once, you’re finally doing something right.


What if you received that help? What if that extra support could be given to you? What if you were told that all you had to do was take a photo and it’s yours?


You’re shaking your head; not so easily convinced, it seems? Well, it’s not as farfetched as it might look. Global Vision Institute believes in your project but wants you to show us that you do as well. Post a picture (or even a selfie) that describes your purpose for working in or around the UN and why you believe your project fulfills that goal for you – to potentially win $1,000 in support of your project.


A picture says a thousand words but will yours accurately describe the passion you have for this goal of yours?


Post your picture today and have viewers cast their votes and rate their favorite picture, to reflect thepassion of each submission to continue in pursing their purpose within or around the UN system. The picture with the most votes will receive $1,000 to support a purpose-driven project and give inspiration to continue to succeed.



Relevant information:


You can sign up to enter the photo contest to show us what inspires you or how your project helps fulfill your purpose within the UN system and you can win $1,000 in support money to fund it. To participate in the Photo Contest, click here.

Passion. Vision. Purpose – What’s your purpose?

Passion. Dreams. Vision.


At one point in our lives, we took a moment to stare at the stars and dream big. Maybe you were a child of ten with candied visions of what the future was for you or perhaps a recent college graduate with hopes and fears that stretched wide into the horizon. Either way, we dreamt with visions as wide as the very sky we stared at. We had hopes for the future and for possible change. Inside, there was a passion that burned to serve for purpose and serve for what was right.


It was for this reason that the many paths in our lives have brought us to commit ourselves to the work of the United Nations. Because we believed in what the organization valued and to promote a greater cause in the world in order to fulfill a united mission we believe in – a better world.


So what was that dream you had, so many moons ago, when it illuminated your desire to work within the UN? Does it still motivate you? Does it still give you purpose?


We want to see it.


With so much vision and passion, GVI, with its vision to empower actors within and around the UN to take values and turn them into behaviors, has taken the initiative to have you post what your purpose is for working within or around the organization -with the now up and running contest asking to know what inspires you.


A picture says a thousand words and we’re excited to see all the words that permeate in the photos that are submitted. Viewers will get to cast their votes and rate their favorite photo, to reflect the submitter’s passion to continue in pursing their purposewithin or around the UN system. The three winnerswill receive $1,000 each to support a purpose-driven project and give inspiration to continue to succeed.


So tell us – what inspires you? What makes you dream? Tell us your purpose.



Relevant information:


You can sign up to enter the photo contest to show us what inspires you and you can win $1,000 in support money to fund a project to reach your goal and inspire your dreams. To do so, click here.

What inspires you to pursue your purpose in the world?

Tell us all about it and capture it in a photo. You can win $1,000.00 for your project.

See all the details!


GVI produces publications on substantive issues from a values perspective, and linked to current events on the UN agenda. GVI also solicits and hosts articles by UN system actors, so you can hear your own voice in the conversation.

The Blog

Twitter Feed


Support us in supporting you. GVI is a tax exempt 501(c)3 organization so your contributions are tax deductible. We invite you to make a safe online donation.